Source code for frosty.freezers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import

import os
import re
import six

from warnings import warn

from .compat import UnicodeMixin

class _Default(UnicodeMixin, object):
    Default strategy that should be mostly compatible with all freezers. "Ya gotta start somewhere."

    Although freezers should generally not require a custom class (patches welcome!), if one was going to create
    their own freezer, then this would be the class to inherit from.
    def _split_packages(cls, include_packages):
        Split an iterable of packages into packages that need to be passed through, and those that need to have their
        disk location resolved.

        Some modules don't have a '__file__' attribute.  AFAIK these aren't packages, so they can just be passed
        through to the includes as-is
        :return: 2-tuple of a list of the pass-through includes and the package_root_paths
        passthrough_includes = set([
            for package in include_packages
            if not hasattr(package, '__file__')
        package_file_paths = dict([
            (six.text_type(os.path.abspath(package.__file__)), six.text_type(package.__name__))
            for package in include_packages
            if hasattr(package, '__file__')
        return passthrough_includes, package_file_paths

    def build_includes(cls, include_packages):
        The default include strategy is to add a star (*) wild card after all sub-packages (but not the main package).
        This strategy is compatible with py2app and bbfreeze.

        Example (From SaltStack 2014.7):


        :param include_packages: List of package references to recurse for subpackages
        includes, package_root_paths = cls._split_packages(include_packages)
        for package_path, package_name in six.iteritems(package_root_paths):
            if'*$', package_path):
                # Looks like a package.  Walk the directory and see if there are more.
                package_files = set([os.path.dirname(package_path)])
                for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.dirname(package_path)):
                    if '' in files:

                if len(package_files) > 1:
                    common_prefix = os.path.commonprefix(package_files)
                    common_dir = os.path.dirname(common_prefix)
                    package_tails = set([f[len(common_dir) + len(os.sep):] for f in package_files])
                    package_names = set([tail.replace(os.sep, '.') for tail in package_tails])
                    package_names_with_star = set([pkg + '.*' if pkg != package_name else pkg for pkg in package_names])
                    includes |= package_names_with_star

                    # No sub-packages.  Just add the package name by itself.
                # Not a package.  Just add the module.

        return includes

    def __unicode__(self):
        return u"default"

    def __repr__(self):
        return u"Default "

class _Py2Exe(_Default):
    Specific implementations for py2exe (
    def __unicode__(self):
        return u"py2exe"

class _BbFreeze(_Default):
    Specific implementations for bbfreeze (
    def __unicode__(self):
        return u"bbfreeze"

class _Py2App(_Default):
    Specific implementations for py2app (
    def __unicode__(self):
        return u"py2app"

class _CxFreeze(_Default):
    Specific implementations for cx_freeze (
    def build_includes(cls, include_packages):
        cx_freeze doesn't support the star (*) method of sub-module inclusion, so all submodules must be included

        Example (From SaltStack 2014.7):


        :param include_packages: List of package references to recurse for subpackages
        includes, package_root_paths = cls._split_packages(include_packages)
        for package_path, package_name in six.iteritems(package_root_paths):
            if'*$', package_path):
                # Looks like a package.  Walk the directory and see if there are more.
                package_modules = set()
                for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.dirname(package_path)):
                    if '' in files:
                        for module in [f for f in files if f != u"" and f.endswith('.py')]:
                            package_modules.add(os.path.join(root, module))

                common_prefix = os.path.commonprefix(package_modules)
                common_dir = os.path.dirname(common_prefix)
                package_tails = set([f[len(common_dir) + len(os.sep):] for f in package_modules])
                package_names = set([os.path.splitext(tail)[0].replace(os.sep, '.') for tail in package_tails])
                includes |= package_names
        return includes

    def __unicode__(self):
        return u"cxfreeze"

[docs]class FREEZER(object): """ Constants for selecting appropriate freezers (All resolve to string names if used with str() or unicode()) """ DEFAULT = _Default PY2EXE = _Py2Exe PY2APP = _Py2App BBFREEZE = _BbFreeze CXFREEZE = _CxFreeze ALL = set([DEFAULT, PY2EXE, PY2APP, BBFREEZE, CXFREEZE])
def _freezer_lookup(freezer_string): """ Translate a string that may be a freezer name into the internal freezer constant :param freezer_string :return: """ sanitized = freezer_string.lower().strip() for freezer in FREEZER.ALL: freezer_instance = freezer() freezer_name = six.text_type(freezer_instance) if freezer_name == six.text_type(sanitized): return freezer else: if sanitized != freezer_string: raise ValueError(u"Unsupported freezer type \"{0}\". (Sanitized to \"{1}\")".format(freezer_string, sanitized)) else: raise ValueError(u"Unsupported freezer type \"{0}\".".format(freezer_string))
[docs]def resolve_freezer(freezer): """ Locate the appropriate freezer given FREEZER or string input from the programmer. :param freezer: FREEZER constant or string for the freezer that is requested. (None = FREEZER.DEFAULT) :return: """ # Set default freezer if there was none if not freezer: return _Default() # Allow character based lookups as well if isinstance(freezer, six.string_types): cls = _freezer_lookup(freezer) return cls() # Allow plain class definition lookups (we instantiate the class) if freezer.__class__ == type.__class__: return freezer() # Warn when a custom freezer implementation is used. if freezer not in FREEZER.ALL: warn(u"Using custom freezer implelmentation: {0}".format(freezer)) return freezer